Naked Nutritionists Detox Blog

Stripping you down to the bare essentials

Last Stretch… April 23, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — nakednutritionists @ 9:38 am

Good Morning Sunshine!!

What a beautiful day to get out of your house, or office and enjoy some fresh air, warm sun, and to observe the fresh flowers and bright smiles on people passing by!

You are in the last stretch of your detox, perfect timing as we transition into spring and soon summer. Your body is thanking you for supporting it with a variety of healthy and delicious nutrients.  Perhaps your mind is feeling more clear and energized to start your day with a smile.

Remember that the second half of the detox can be a bit more challenging. So continue to write in your journals (as I will be reading them after our last session), as well as reward yourself.  Return back to your non food related reward page in your detox binder. What was at the top of your list? Perhaps a lymphatic drainage massage, or a pair of your favourite jeans, or a detox facial with a friend! Whatever you chose, please make sure you follow through with it as it is your way of giving thanks to yourself for making a commitment to your health!

Your commitment to health is not just about you. As you take on this detox challenge, notice how family members, friends and co-workers become curious about your new food choices, or your fresh new glow.  Like a drop of water in a  pond, your commitment will have a ripple effect, impacting those around you in a positive light!

So stay on track, and remember that this is not forever, there is an end in site, and you CAN do it!!

Happy Friday,



6 Responses to “Last Stretch…”

  1. Beverley Says:

    Thanks for the reminder Katie. I find in some ways it’s easier as I know what to expect, have my beet chips at the ready…On the other hand because I’ve been so good so far I have a desire to “cheat” more. But I am going to take your advise and instead of dipping in the cheating food and I going to go buy some fresh flowers instead.

  2. christiehayos Says:

    Thanks for the message. I agree with you Beverly that because I have been so good, I feel like why not cheat now….but, I am sticking with it. Beet chips eh? I haven’t tried those…tell me what you do with them.

  3. Margaret Says:

    Hi guys,

    I agree. Those salt and vinegar chips my husband and daughter had last night were very tempting. I stopped writing in my journal but will start again because it does keep you more honest .

    If anyone is at the Green Living Show this weekend check out booth #1644. My daughters have a both called (on line store for their store Red Tent Sisters on the Danforth). OK. I’m shameless when it comes to promoting their business. But also the show has some great food stations – about 18 – you pay $2 a ticket and most stations require just one ticket. Some delicious salads. And organic wine sampling. (Oops! Shouldn’t be icluding that piece of info.)

    I am trying to work in Body Blitz on Monday as alternative reward to chips and wine. I know I will actually enjoy that much more and my body will thank me.

    Good health all.

  4. Wow, you all rock!! I am so glad you are pushing through to the end! You will feel so great that you did! Mmmmm beet chips…you can experiment at home by cutting them up thinly and sprinkling some spices or rock salt and then bake. I am not sure how long you will need but I would check them at 10 minutes and flip them!

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